40 Meters Instructor



TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor

Is the instructor level certification course for Instructors wishing to teach the use of EAN-21 through one hundred (100) percent oxygen for optimal mixes to a depth of forty (40) msw. The object of this course is to train Nitrox Instructors to teach the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for EAN-21 through one hundred (100) percent oxygen for dives not requiring staged decompression.

Upon successful completion of this course, Instructors may teach diving activities utilizing EAN-21 through one hundred (100) percent oxygen

You must be:

Be a minimum age of eighteen (18).
Have a minimum certification of Advanced Nitrox diver or equivalent.
Show proof of one hundred (100) logged open water dives.
Show proof of twenty five (25) Nitrox dives.
Must have certified ten (10) students in entry-level Nitrox.

The TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor kit includes

Advanced Nitrox instructor guide

EAD table

TDI student record folder

logo sticker

TDI Advanced Nitrox manual

TDI presentation


Tec 40 Instructor and Tec 40 Trimix Instructor

Tec 40 Instructors introduce divers to tec diving and open up the world of tec exploration to the next generation. Ask your PADI Tec 50 Instructor Trainer how you can get started.

Diving beyond recreational depths with open-circuit technical gear has allowed tec divers to discover amazing underwater wrecks and photograph never-before-seen marine organisms. Tec 40 Instructors introduce divers to tec diving and open up the world of tec exploration to the next generation. When you earn this dive instructor rating, you can conduct PADI Discover Tec programs and teach the PADI Tec Basics and Tec 40 Diver courses. There is also an option to become a PADI Tec 40 Trimix Instructor.

To enroll in a Tec 40 Instructor course, you must:
  1. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (or higher rating)
  2. PADI Enriched Air Diver Specialty Instructor
  3. PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor
  4. Tec 45 Diver certification
  5. 25 EANx dives deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
  6. 10 decompression dives wearing full technical equipment
Prior to sending in your Tec 40 Instructor application, you must also:
  • Certified 25 divers: no more than five certified divers from courses without dives, no more than five certified divers from PADI Seal Team or Master Seal Team registrations
  • Minimum of 20 decompression dives

One of the following:

  1. Completed a PADI Tec 40 Instructor course
  2. Qualifying tec instructor rating with another organization and:
    • have assisted with one Tec 40 Diver course or taught two qualifying courses
    • successfully complete the Tec 40 Instructor Exam within 12 months of application


  • Successfully complete the Tec 40 Instructor Exam within 12 months of application
Tec 40 Trimix Instructor Option

To enroll in the Tec 40 Trimix Instructor course, you must meet these qualifications:

  1. Tec 50 Trimix Diver (or higher level trimix) certification
  2. Minimum of 10 trimix dives
  3. Successfully complete the Tec Diver Trimix Instructor Course and Exam

Teaching status: PADI Tec 40 Trimix Instructors are authorized to conduct Discover Tec programs and teach PADI Tec Basics, Tec 40 and tec 40 Trimix Diver courses.

(signed by a physician)


IANTD Advanced Nitrox Instructor

This Programme is designed to train qualified IANTD Divemasters, who are not already Scuba Instructors, to teach IANTD Sport Diving Programs plus IANTD / DAN Oxygen Provider and IANTD Diving First Aid.

These individuals may teach the following IANTD Dive Programs: Snorkel Skin Diver, OW Free Diver, Open Water Diver, OWND, Advanced Open Water Diver, EANx, Deep Diver, Advanced EANx Diver and Divemaster Programs. IANTD Oxygen Administrator & Diving First Aid may only be issued if the instructor attends a crossover course for this material.

You must be:

Must be qualified as an IANTD Divemaster or equivalent.

Must provide proof of a minimum of 100 logged dives, of which at least 50 were a combination of Deep Diver dives between 27 msw and 39 msw and Advanced EANx dives with at least 25 of these dives on EANx or breathing mixtures other than air.

Must have assisted in at least three courses from one or more of the following IANTD Qualification Programs: Open Water Diver, AdvancedOpen Water Diver, EANx Diver, Deep Diver, and Advanced EANx Diver prior to being qualified at the Instructor level.

Must be qualified as an Oxygen Provider, AED, CPR and in Diving First Aid, or complete these qualifications in conjunction with the IEC.

What this program must include?
  • Academic Sessions;
  • Confined Water Sessions;
  • Open Water Sessions.